Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 328. Fairytales

   Friends are like books. They open our eyes to a world were no matter what happens, the ending is always happy. They help us find ourselves and they're always so entertaining to be around. We daydream with them and when we're down they bring us up and sometimes we're down together because we feel exactly what they feel and sharing the pain is always easier when there's two. They are the stories that we don't want to end. 
   We meet some of them when we're kids and our friendship goes on forever even if we change in time. Others are first our classmates, the only ones we'll keep in touch with even after school ends, the ones we'll invite to our wedding and the same ones we'll walk our babies with. And then there are the friends who step in our world later, when we least expect. The kind of friends who remind us that being ourselves is awesome because they are just like us. The kind of friends you don't see every day but when you do meet time stops for you and happiness is all around. The friends that remind us that

   I wuv you, Laura! You showed me that being lovey dovey and overly hugging is Ok. You reminded me that love can save the day so that's why I keep spreading it ^^ Thank You, cupcake! <3 I'm so glad I met you!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 327. Another day to remember

   This is the day. The day when all studying ends and we try to convince other people that we know what psychology is about. We let them come into our world and hope they will like it enough to give us a high mark and let us enjoy the next year of our life in a good workplace. 
   That's what teachers do. They take an exam each year and hope for the best. They get ready for it for months, so that's how friends and family forget how they look like. They all can't wait for it to be over. And one day, today, the loop ends. Anxiety is coming to the surface and worrying thoughts swim across the mind. Teachers don't know what lays ahead of them, they just hope for the best. And then something happens. Something that changes their day.

   I wasn't nervous this morning. Not because I studied hard and I was confident or because I received the opportunity to work in the same kindergarten next year... but because of her. The wise music teacher. One of the examination supervisors. One that knew psychology better than we did and that had to lose it all to reach wisdom and be able to teach others how to cool down and laugh their stress away before a big exam. One that gave us a life lesson. 
   We had to wait for a whole hour before the exam and in that time she took our minds off of it. We were no longer in a foreign class, in a foreign school, waiting for the exam subjects to be delivered to us. We were attending an awesome course about happiness. She told us that the key to happiness isn't getting attached to the people around us. Happiness is loving and setting them free. Free to be themselves, not the ones we expect them to be. And, among others, she reminded me that when we want something, we should believe in getting it and ask for it with all our heart. And it shall be given to us because of our faith:) 
   So when the subjects came in, I bet all of us asked to have an easy exam and get a high mark:) It's funny how we needed to meet this woman to psychologically prepare us for an exam on psychology:)  And it's awesome that we did. Cos in the end when the subjects came in we were all confident that we could be the best version of ourselves right there, on that paper, and I donno about the others, but I enjoyed that exam. Some interesting ideas popped in my mind, some that might pleasantly impress the teacher reading my paper, the same ones that made me smile during the exam because that teacher changed my life and I needed her there. I needed her to tell me that attachment is not love and that love is setting people free from our expectations:) I was already in that battle with myself lately and her verbalizing it meant I took the right decision.
   Everything does happen for a reason:)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 326. Age beautifully

   Today I took the emotional roller coaster through all ages of my life until now. I've been a furious child, an overly emotional teenager and ended up as a confident adult. 
   I realized all ages have their benefits and their disadvantages. When you're a kid you depend on your parents for everything but you have no problems whatsoever and life is just a game. When you're a teen you don't know who you are or what you want, you wanna be cool and you still can't be independent, but you're wilder and more full of life, hopes and dreams than you'll ever be. When you're an adult you start facing different problems. Sometimes small ones, other times life changing ones, but you're finally independent, you know who you are, what you want and you can get it. You might not see life as pink as you once did, but you're surely not as confused and emotional as you used to be in adolescence nor are you as intolerant to frustration as you were as a child. You've already been through enough to form your own life perspective and learn your own lessons to prepare you for future problem solving. The only thing that's still missing is wisdom and that will come as well when time is right:)
   You should enjoy the age you have right now and all the benefits that come with it. And then remember that our life purpose should be to age beautifully:) Take the good things of all stages and move on wiser:)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 325. Do your best

Don't give up everything you do. Sometimes you know you won't be able to do it perfectly, but still, try your best. In the end trying counts. 
   Do your best in friendships. Involve, share feelings. If they act like they don't care, they're not the right persons. Move on.
   Do your best in being a good model for others. We are all broken and have issues to be solved, but maybe you can teach others stuff you've been through. Remember to check if they want to be taught first!
   Do your best in being a confident and just listening from time to time. Don't judge if they complain or talk too much about the same thing. Everything one says is a function of that they feel. Complaining or talking too much about it might mean they have an unsolved problem. Maybe you can help. Check if they wanna be helped or just listened to. 
   Do your best in being a good person. You will make mistakes anyhow, but knowing you chose to be good instead of being bad is awesome.
   Do your best in leaving this place better than you found it, be it at your job or just the world around you.
   Do your best to hang on in there. Sometimes you will feel lonely, unloved or unneeded but that's when you have to remember it would be a brilliant idea to become friends with yourself. And love spending time by yourself instead of depending on people to make you happy.
   Do your best. Try. You will fail sometimes, but keep trying. Don't give up. Never give up.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 324. The rough change

   From time to time we face our three fears: the fear of our haunting past, the fear of our uncertain present and the fear of our lonely and unfulfilled future. 
     The meeting is always rough and it hurts like hell but at some point we must look them in the eye and start chatting like old buddies for they are the ones that stop us from moving on with a smile on our face knowing that everything will be ok. 
   Sure, we hate the mistakes we've made in the past, but they made us better. We have no idea if our present friends are the real ones we'll have our whole life but sometimes we gotta let them go and see if they come back. We can't predict the future on the long term. We don't even know what tomorrow brings, but we gotta remember "today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday" and that we figured it out after all.
   So, let's accept our past mistakes cos we didn't know better, let some  of our friends go and see if they come back and stop worrying about tomorrow. Everything WILL be ok, no matter how many friends, money or things we will have. It's the inner peace we need. So we gotta stop and make a change of thought. 


Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 323. Different yet so alike

   People are funny when it comes to studying for an exam. Nobody likes to study but we all find something to make us do it after all.
   Some start early because they want to make sure they make it to the deadline and they're very organized when it comes to setting goals and achieving them. They're the ones who, somehow, find something to like in everything they study and so they're usually the bullied ones. The ones who spend their days studying their heads off and end up saying "why am I the only one studying?" However, after the exam, we all know they take the highest grades. And believe me, sometimes grades do make a difference in our life.
   Others start at some random point when they feel it's the right time or maybe when they are reminded they have an upcoming exam. They're not really driven to study, but they do it anyway because afterwards they'll get some sort of reward. These are the majority of the people. If they were in the right spot (school, university, work place of their choice) they'd like what they would be doing so they'd study early. Nevertheless, it's a good thing they find something to keep them going.
   The last category starts studying a couple of days before the actual exam when they realize they can't procrastinate anymore. They say they don't want to forget what they just studied but we all know that's a lie. They are the ones who start studying only because they know they have to. They hate it and so they try to cram it up and hope to God they'll be given one of the two subjects they took a glimpse at. Sometimes they're lucky, other times they're not.
   The thing is that right before the exam we all magically remember we don't like studying and therefore only two options will be available for everybody: we either feel like we don't know anything or we don't care anymore and we just want it to be over so we could start enjoying our life again.
   I know, I shouldn't complain since I love what I'm doing and I sometimes enjoy what I'm reading for the exam, but you know, we all get there. To the point where we say "No more!" And that's when people who have studied for 2 months take a break and do whatever they want because they can afford it and then they face the exam knowing they'll handle it no matter what. I know. It's gonna be ok. So tomorrow I'm taking a break:) 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 322. The highest peak

a terrific view

   Climbing a mountain is always hard but once you get to the top of it, the terrific view reminds you it was all worth it. So much so that you want to stay there forever.
   In time you learn to enjoy the journey up there and all the fascinating details you get to see along the way. Though, what nobody is talking about is that, at some point, you have to begin the other journey towards the place where you came from. The one that's usually full of regrets: the regret of leaving behind such a beautiful view and the peak you've just reached. But instead of regrets and sorrow we should learn to preserve that terrific view. The perfect image of achieving our goal. And that should be a new start. The start towards a bigger goal and a higher peak. 
   "Always aim higher and higher." just like he once told me.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 321. She always pays her debts

   There are some days when I forget about it and I think about how unfair life is and how bad some people can be. And that's exactly when Karma says "Chill, I've got this". So I remember. I remember that we all have to be really careful every step of the way. Because what we give out will come right back at us. 
   Karma never leaves business unfinished. So help people, if you want to be helped, give love if you want to be loved and don't be selfish if you want others to be generous with you. Or just be a good person because that's way better than being bad. And, on top of it, life gives you a goodie every time you do something nice. Isn't that awesome?:) 
   Remember. Everything you say and do resonates with what they say and do. What goes around comes around.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 320. Getting in the mood

   An awesome thing is awesome only if you're in the right mood for it. Otherwise, it's just plain boring. This is why I tend to postpone things that I need or want to read or watch till I'm totally up to it. I might upset one or two people, but that's how I know I'll enjoy them the most. 
   How do you get in the mood for something? Can you always get in the mood when asked to? How about getting in the mood for things like work or study? 
   It's been a while since I'm studying for this summer's exam and lately I'm feeling more and more out of the right mood for it. So the only thing that works for me is finding something to motivate me. Yep. A reward. It all goes down to classical conditioning. I admit, sometimes I give myself the reward before studying (some say it's a biiig mistake) but in the end people are different and we all have our twisted way of getting in the right mood for something. So why not take it easy and know that when we get there we enjoy it fully rather than force ourselves to do something when we don't want to? 
   Take a break. Have a Kit Kat:) Or a piece of cake:)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 319. Keep learning

   We learn all our life: at first what we need in order to survive and then what others think it's good to know. This is how we're taught to understand life: through other people's eyes. 
   Some of us wake up in the middle of the road and start questioning everything we know. Then we decide we want more. More than society instills in us. We want to learn what We feel is right, what We need. 
   That's when the world is separated in two: the ones who follow blindly all the steps in order to be "well integrated" and the ones who are never satisfied, who want to learn more. The ones who go out and explore, who are not afraid to admit they're different. The same ones who are excited to learn even after school ends because they like what they're learning. So we keep doing it and enjoying what we do while the others keep complaining and hating life if it doesn't give them money or power. We don't need those things to be happy. Our happiness is found in the small details, in the things we love learning because they help us live beautifully not because it's mandatory. 
   Which of the two are you? It's never too late to wake up and question everything you know. Never too late to keep learning and enjoy what you're doing:)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 318. Bits and pieces

half yellow flower

   We aren't completely our own. They have bits and pieces of us: our friends on Facebook, our best friends, our boyfriend, our parents and our siblings, that cute girl we want to be like, our co-workers or maybe even our neighbors. 
   Even if we believe that we are all unique human beings, we are actually very much alike and the ones around us influence our life in ways we don't even acknowledge. Think about it. Every step of the way we compare ourselves to them. And it's a natural process our brain got used to. 
   We take decisions that virtually involve people around us. Even if we don't consciously know it. We just do it. Every. Single. Day. The question is... do you follow your OWN dreams in all this process or do you live THEIR life and follow THEIR dreams because you're too afraid you're going to be judged? 
   Now you know. They have bits and pieces of you. Mostly because you allow it. And you'll allow it for the rest of your life without knowing. But will you give yourself completely to them or will you save some for yourself as well?:) Food for thought:)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 317. Heavenly gifts

vintage tulip earrings

   Today was going to be one of those perfect days. I just had that feeling again. 
   I slept as much as I needed (a rare thing these days) and that made me very happy. Then my family and I went for a terrific picnic with a lot of people. Some we knew and some we didn't. But simply being surrounded by them was awesome. Listening to their stories and sharing mine with them. I love this kind of experiences and I actually missed meeting new people:)

   You'd think it's already a pretty awesome day but it doesn't end like this. By a combination of fate and chance my best friend and I went to the mall and discovered something that would make me "the happiest she'd ever seen me" like she said:) The perfect jewels I've waited for my whole life. They just came to me. And I accepted them in my life like a lost part of me that I just found. I told the lady selling them how much I've looked for something like that and how happy they make me feel. As we parted I could tell she was genuinely happy for me. And I discovered she even offered me an extra pair of earrings. I just love bonding with people:)
   I don't know if this happens to you too. If you just feel something awesome is going to happen every now and then... but I do. And I end up loving every single one of those special days:) How could I not? They're heavenly gifts:)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 316. Inked

   Every tattoo has its own story. And we all wear one everywhere we go. Be it a big one or a small one, a cute one or a fiery one. Somewhere hidden or in plain sight. Shameful or with pride. We're all inked for life and we can't erase our tattoo no matter how much we want it some days. Though, we can look at it and learn. Learn that life has to go on no matter what. And that we're braver and more powerful than we thought. 
   So let's wear our tattoo with pride. Let's show the world that we're at peace with our past and ready to step, fearless, into the future.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 315. Lonely or alone

alone and lonely

   I'm confused. Did you ever experience being a while alone with yourself and feel like missing some people that are usually around you and when you do meet them again remember how much you loved being alone?:) It happened to me today. 
   Do we get used to the people in our life like we do with objects? Do we need their presence because we're used to having them around or because we want them around? Hmmm... and what do you do when you realize you don't really like being around some people in your life? You just leave them? "Goodbye, we've known each other for so long, but I'm leaving now"? What if they're family? Hmmm? You move out instantly? ... See? I'm confused... I guess missing them in the first place means you care about them so you don't give up on a friendship or family just like that. Yeah, we don't like everything about our friends or family, but we do have to accept them as they are and remember that we should...

   So I guess I should chill and take it as a normal phase of our existence:) Yep, that's what I'm gonna do:)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 314. Utopia

   We all have those unreachable dreams. The utopias that just seem too far away for our present condition. But you know what? Believe in them and start acting accordingly! You never know when the time is right and poof! they come true:) 
   So dare to dream out loud! Take a leap of faith and start working. Big dreams involve baby steps and hard work but they are way better than no dreams at all:) And the result is always amazing!
   Today one of my biggest dreams came true:) I've carried it with me my whole life and it's been both a burden and a strong desire. And after all this, I can tell: if my utopia got real, yours can too:) Just remember that...


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 313. Count your blessings

   Our brain is prone to seeing the negative side of life first. Because this way it finds problems to solve. But somehow that's our biggest enemy: that we start counting the troubles first and just rarely remember the good things in our life. Indeed, the good ones don't need fixing, but if we don't acknowledge them, be thankful for them or work to preserve them, it will be a matter of time until they turn into some of our troubles. 
   Each evening I sit on my balcony and watch the sunset. The interesting part is that every single day, no matter how gloomy or moody the weather is until 8 o'clock PM, the sun always shines again an hour before setting. And it offers me amazing sunsets and terrific photographic material. Each evening I feel more and more blessed:)
   So, don't forget. No matter how many problems your brain might find during the day, at the end of it:

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 312. The ultimate gift


   There are a loooot of movies out there: the bad ones you regret having watched, the ones perfect for a boring Sunday afternoon, those that are half bad and half good and you don't know if you like them or not, the ones that are pretty good but the subject might be somewhat overused and then... there are the ones that just leave you breathless. The cornerstones. The ones that sweep you off your feet. Those that take you by the hand and by the time you realized what happened you're already living life alongside with the characters, experience intense emotions with them, laugh and cry and learn. Learn a lot of things. Learn that the mere fact of you having been born is important. 
   "The ultimate gift" is one of the cornerstones. The kind of movie you're glad you're alive to have seen it. The kind that changes your life forever and reminds you how important it is to LIVE life. Enjoy every bit of it. Leave behind all the unnecessary baggage you're dragging with you daily and finally wake up and see what's Important. The kind of movie everybody should see. So if you haven't seen it by now, just go and do it. I promise you won't regret it:)

"Neither love, nor hate thy life; but what thou livest, live well; however long or short may the heavens permit."

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 311. Listen up

   People are social beings and they communicate through speech and body language. We all know that. The bug is that many times we don't know HOW to share our ideas and we end up messing up our relationships with our friends and family because we want them to understand us but we fail to remember that we have to understand them too. How many times did that happen to you?
   The key to few conflicts is being assertive. And that involves telling people what you feel without hurting them in any way. How to do that? Describe the behavior that bothers you, say how you feel and mention the effect of that behavior on you. Don't just put it on them. Don't judge or criticize them. Try to understand them too and start listening more. Listen to their needs and tell them your needs in an assertive way. Work together on keeping the good vibe:) 
   Be the one to start behaving differently and then notice the change that occurs around you. Stay assertive. And don't forget: 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 310. The short road

The traveler horse

   ... isn't always the best for you. My family and I found that the hard way today but at least we learned our lesson:)
   I also learned that it's not ok to push things the way you want. They just won't work all the time. And that's when you'll be disappointed. So better consider your options and sometimes take the long road instead. It will be smoother and it will give you time to enjoy the ride properly. Sure, it will have its bumps now and then, but you'll take them one by one and you'll surpass them more easily thinking about the destination that you're looking forward to achieve. 
   The long road is the vivid representation of life. It has its ups and downs, but it's mostly smooth if you learn to be patient enough. If you don't, it will just seem endless and you'll always want to take the short one instead. But then life will bring you back to the lesson you need to learn: the short road isn't always the best for you:)

P.S. Remember this:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 309. Exceeding expectations

   Many times we leave home thinking that we know what lies ahead of us that day. We plan it so we expect it to go according to the plan. But how wrong we are for thinking like that! Life is all about surprises that exceed our expectations, roads that we didn't take into consideration, something different than expected and yet more beautiful and amazing than what we had planned:)
   I felt all those today. My boyfriend and I went for a long walk and a photo shoot on a hill near our city. As usual, I had thought about where I want to go and the kind of photos I want to take. But I was more than surprised when life read my thoughts and somehow made us face a  huge wheat field. A dream that I didn't think of accomplishing today:) I loved every bit of it even if at first I was upset to be far away from the goal I set at home. A blessing in disguise. That's what this was. Such a beautiful one:) 
   So, today I learned that life does exceed our expectations and all we gotta do is be open minded to change. Set goals, alright, but be prepared to have the ride of your life until you get where we want. At least I know that's how today felt:)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 308. Priceless

You can't buy happiness

   You know what they say: you can buy a lot of things but there are some that money just can't buy. You will never be able to buy happiness, love, peace, class, lost time and so on. Yeah, you can buy things to get you there for a second, a minute, a day or maybe a week, but when you wake up the next day, will you still be happy? Think again:)  
   Today my boyfriend and I celebrated his birthday. Happy, happy, joy, joy:) Of course, he received a nice gift, something he loved and needed, but at the end of the day he told me: "you know, the fact that you love me and you're here with me is the best gift there is":) So, can you buy that? Real, everlasting happiness?:) I'm really proud of him and of the special thing we share. Anything I could buy wouldn't make me happier:) This is priceless:)

P.S. Happy birthdaaaay, honey<3 Love you lots!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 307. Of beautiful experiences

Before and after

   Life teaches us lessons but it also gives us opportunities. It's up to us if we want to take them or leave them but some of them might never be "on sale" again:) So why not take every opportunity we have and, for example, transform studying at home into studying in a wonderful place that feels like heaven? 
   My family and I had an amazing day today:) We went back to a place that we totally forgot about and enjoyed it like we did the first time: taking a good bath, relaxing in the sun and gathering positive energy from the spectacular scenery:) At some point rain chased us home but we didn't leave disappointed. Better yet, we said we'd come back here the following days. It was just too good to be true and not being taken advantage of:) Yuuuum!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 306. Rush, rush, rush

   I always tell myself I hate rushing. And even so, I don't know why but I keep doing it. Rush in to get dressed, catch the bus, get somewhere. Every.single.time. Today I ran after two buses. It was awful and I told myself I should stop doing it. What's the worst that could happen? Take the next bus? 
   Why are we rushing in life? Why do we want things asap? Why can't we just be relaxed about everything and know that in the end we will get where we want anyhow? It would spare us of so much energy loss. 
   In my case I'm thinking that I want to get home sooner or that someone might be waiting for me and they might get cranky if I don't make it on time, but I just have to accept that I will eventually get home anyway and if I happen to be late, true friends understand that missing a bus isn't the end of the world:) 
   So let's cut the rushing. It's not good for us. Sooner or later we need to start prioritizing and stop thinking that we HAVE to do something asap and replace that with "we'd like to do it, but if it doesn't happen, it's still ok." And just chillax. God, how much I want that. So I'm going to start doing it in 3... 2... 1...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 305. Patience is a virtue

   I know, you know, everybody knows that patience is what I lack the most. And it's the lesson that always comes back to me until I pass the test. So today, another trial. This time I can't say "next time", this time I'm forced to do it and I'd better learn from it for once. In the end, my motivation is high, I just have to go through all the steps until I get there:) Ohhh, can't wait, perfect teeth:)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 304. Same old lesson

I wanna hide

   Did you ever wonder why you're going through the same situations again and again? Did you ever wonder "Why me?" "Why now?" "Why again?" The answer to all those is:

   It's hard to realize that you didn't learn your lesson the previous time. And it's even harder to admit you have to go through it all over again and somehow find the right skills in order to pass the test. But don't worry, that's why you have friends around:) Remember, all fairy tale heroes had their helpers and that's how they succeeded:) 
   One more thing! Don't worry if you fail again cos...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 303. Bonding

The different butterfly

   I'm a people person. I easily become friends with children, teenagers, adults, elders, animals, plants aaand insects. It comes easily to me because I like spreading love and learning things about the others:) 
   I'm usually a happy person. Yeah, I worry a lot and I tend to suffer very easily. But it's only because I involve with all I am. I don't know differently. But I know that everything happens for a reason as much as I know that meeting this beautiful, particular butterfly was fate. 
   And I learned that bonding makes me happy, that when you give you receive much more than you have given:) So, happy giving:)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 302. Stuck... or not

   We all have our addictions. We're so used to them that they become part of who we are and we don't even think if they're good or bad for us. We just have them cos they make our life prettier... for some reason. 
   There comes a moment in our life when we somehow discover that some of those addictions are actually bad for our existence. And we realize that we have to, you know, say our goodbyes and move on without them. But we're not mentally prepared to "break up" with them all of a sudden. Nobody expects that, anyway. 
   The thing is that after a while of not living with those bad addictions we have a moment of enlightenment. The moment when we realize that we can live without them just as well, that we don't really need to spend our money or time on them and that our life can be just as pretty as it used to. 
   So that's the moment when we wake up from our oblivion and start seeing us for who we really are: strong and powerful human beings who can live life without being addicted to something. 
   Sure, we'll miss the bittersweet feeling of eating the forbidden fruit, but we all know we're better off without it. So put on your best smile and move along:)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 301. All by myself

Last one in the flock

   We fly in flocks and we're born to do it, but in some cases there comes a moment when we need to figure out if we chose the right flock. Because lately the birds aren't flying next to us, but next to any other bird in the flock. And we're the ones being left behind, the ones who try to understand how that happened and always find an unrealistic explanation for it. Then is when we need to figure it out: was that flock the right one for us or did we just want to belong to it more than we actually did? 
   We all know we shouldn't change for others so we just have to admit that it's the wrong time and the wrong place for us to be. In the end all that's left is understanding that...

   Moving on solo until we find the right flock. That's right. The one that will want us there as much as we want it. Until then, breathe in, breathe out and hope. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 300. Relax, take it easy

   I donno about you, but I love it when I know there's nothing in my schedule for the day and I can do whatever floats my boat without having to work or be somewhere. Well, whenever something unplanned comes up in a previously free day, I become a little storm in a glass. That is, when I have to do something work related and I must depend on people... like today. 
   It's like my brain is eagerly waiting for a proper moment to be stressed about something and it gets in turbo mode every time that moment happens, saying something like "omg, omg, omg, let's solve this asap so you can go back to doing nothing again". I guess it's right, but the feeling it gives me is totally wrong. 
   So, after stressing out at first, I tried to take it step by step. I solved my part of the deal and then told myself I should chill until the others do their own:) Although at first I felt like the day has passed me by and I did nothing at all the whole day, after I started relaxing I realized I still had time to study for the exam and read a good book. 
   So my lesson for today is: 

"The shortest way to do many things is to do 
only one thing at a time."   
                                                           - Mozart

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 299. Whatever makes you happy

girl in the sunset summer light

   I love motivational quotes. Yeah, I'm one of "those" people who share them on Facebook. So today I received a pretty awesome list of "Twelve Habits of Happy, Healthy People" that had a lot of "Do whatever you want" among the 12 ones:) And I loved that. Though, I'd change it into "Do whatever makes you happy". Of course, as long as you don't hurt anybody:) 
   Today my best friend saved me from studying for the exam and we went out to do what always makes us the happiest: had a yummy pizza together and then we fooled around taking photos and talking a lot about everything like we always do:) I donno about you, but every time I'm hanging with my best friend she makes my day:) 
   So honey, YOU were and always will be one of the reasons that make me happy. Thank You!:)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 298. I've got sand in my shoes

golden afternoon

   You know those moments when you wanna go places and enjoy life but your daily routine always occurs and you don't? Today I beat that. I got out of the loop and went to a place I used to visit back when I was in second year of faculty, studying for my exams. 
   Oh, this afternoon was perfect! The golden sand, the mild sun, the flowing river, the willow moving in the wind, the feeling of peace that embraced you while you were laying barefoot on the sand. And then there was him. The reason I smile, the reason I love, the reason I am myself and I'm not afraid of it. It felt like time stood still and I just entered another loop. The one where I'm perpetually happy and at peace with myself and the world. I need to go back there again. It's one of those places where I belong:)