Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 306. Rush, rush, rush

   I always tell myself I hate rushing. And even so, I don't know why but I keep doing it. Rush in to get dressed, catch the bus, get somewhere. Every.single.time. Today I ran after two buses. It was awful and I told myself I should stop doing it. What's the worst that could happen? Take the next bus? 
   Why are we rushing in life? Why do we want things asap? Why can't we just be relaxed about everything and know that in the end we will get where we want anyhow? It would spare us of so much energy loss. 
   In my case I'm thinking that I want to get home sooner or that someone might be waiting for me and they might get cranky if I don't make it on time, but I just have to accept that I will eventually get home anyway and if I happen to be late, true friends understand that missing a bus isn't the end of the world:) 
   So let's cut the rushing. It's not good for us. Sooner or later we need to start prioritizing and stop thinking that we HAVE to do something asap and replace that with "we'd like to do it, but if it doesn't happen, it's still ok." And just chillax. God, how much I want that. So I'm going to start doing it in 3... 2... 1...

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