Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 330. Brand new

   We all go through new situations at some point. Things we're not used to, things we gotta deal with even if we don't know how to. Those are the situations that are going to be cornerstones for our future development. The ones that will help us get more knowledge and achieve wisdom more easily. Because how would we evolve if life was only a continuous routine where nothing new ever happened? 
   New things used to scare me when I was a teenager because I liked my things the way I had them. So whenever something new happened, be it having a new teacher, needing to solve a new type of problem or discovering a new social network I felt odd. I would always reject it at first and it would take me a while to get used to it. The thing I learned these past years, though, is that we can accommodate to anything. No matter how bad, strange or how uncomfortable it is, we find a way to cope with it. Sure, if we can avoid it, we will do that, but when it's one of those things you have get used to... you will. Our nature helps us accommodate and keep learning from our experience. So why avoid new situations if they can help you grow? 
   Today I decided to make an account on tumblr. It's still weird for me, but I'm figuring it out. And I'm surely not feeling odd anymore:) Cos now I know new is good. New is a pathway to better. So here's so outrunning ourselves!:)

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