Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 350. Life is a movie

   Do you remember the movies that turned your life around for some minutes? The ones that made you question life, your whole existence and the purpose of being here, on this planet? 
   Do you remember the movies with magic or aliens which made you think that maybe there is something else out there, something we know nothing about because it's so tabu and hard to explore and control that it's better not to scare people with it? Or the movies with wars and freaky criminals that made you be thankful you're living a peaceful life without having to face all those atrocities?  
   These are the movies you'll always remember. The ones that make you face your deepest fears, the ones that answer questions and help you find yourself in the middle of it all. They make you look in the mirror and see reality with different eyes. The way you should have always seen it. They are glimpses of your soul, pieces of puzzle you have to stick together to encounter the real you. And you need that more than anything because

But first you must know who you are. So learn that by watching movies. Let them help you find yourself and open your eyes to all possibilities. There's more out there can you can grasp right now.

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