Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 243. Trial and error

The One

   Today I've given a scientific thought to the search we're all doing regarding our love life. I'd be really interested to make a research on how Romanians see relationships and their way of picking partners. 
   I was waiting for the bus and I saw couples pass by me. Then I thought: "How do we choose our boyfriend/girlfriend? Do we do it reported to a set of values our parents instill in us, did the movies influence us or maybe do we just pick them starting with the looks? How does it transform and what do people actually want from a relationship? How do they find the power to go on after hooking up and breaking up with so many wrong persons until they find The One? Why do we have to play this "trial and error" game and only after a set of errors get to setting down? And how do we take the decision? Based on our experience, based on routine or maybe the fact that the other doesn't try to change us?"
   As you can see, such a complex phenomena wakes up my synapses and makes me wonder. "Is The One really the perfect match or do we just settle for The Best out of Our Experience?" 
   They say you just know. And I do. My guts says I do. But people around me say I'm wrong. Am I?

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