Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 167. Feels like heaven

   A heaven full of cute Teddy bears:) What a difference, huh? Been through hell and now I'm going through heaven. Bipolar much?:)) Naaah, that's just how life is... and the fact that today everything really worked soooo smoothly that going back to work was a real blessing:) How often can you say that?
   My lovely day started with a class of angels who are usually very energetic and not paying attention to the activities but who this time were so patient and willing to cooperate:) A real wonder. I was even able to teach them a poem along with some girls from Russia and later on they drew the bear from the poem sooo artistically and cute that it made my heart melt. And as I sat down and chatted with a boy while he was drawing, all of a sudden he stopped what he was doing and started telling me on a serious voice: "You should know I love you!":) They say those words so easily and I admire them for that because I know they really mean it:) And still... life's so wicked. Now they're nasty and they don't want to obey you, then, you sit down with them, listen to them, play with them and then they're suddenly your best friends. This is how I realized you first have to be your kids' friend and only then their superior. It doesn't matter if you're their teacher or their parent. They want you to set them free and try to understand their needs. But it's a real pain to make them understand your needs as well:) We're still working on that one, though. There's plenty of time left.
   All in all, today I noticed how much I missed my kids and how much I need them in order to be zen. I wouldn't be as happy among school kids or teens as I am now. I could never:) This is my destiny. To be forever surrounded by preschool kids no matter if that means being pissed and feeling useless from time to time. There's only so low you can go and then... you have to climb back:) Remember this, Dana, when you'll go down there again!
   You know what? Today I really am positive:) Not to mention how talking to a dear, old friend improved that state:) So, scratch that. Today I'm MORE positive!:D Maybe tomorrow I'm gonna be THE MOST positive:) 

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