Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 236. Different

Sick leaves

   Today I reflected upon the fact that arguments start because different people have different needs and they understand life differently. They have different expectations, a different life experience, different settings where they grew up. Many things seem to be different, huh? That's why we surround ourselves with friends. They are the only ones who are LIKE us. The ones we won't argue with because they seem to understand us. That's why arguments between friends end faster and better than the ones between co-workers.
   The fact that my mom has different needs than I do at my age makes it hard for her to understand me sometimes. I try to explain to her how I see life at 25 but I can tell she doesn't grasp the essence of it because at her age she's married, with a household to look after and everything looks different at 50. You're not interested in looking for a partner anymore, settling down or building a career. You do get wiser so that's why trivial things like buying new earrings once every two months seems useless, but the real challenge is exactly this: How can we get to be 50 and still understand our kids and their different needs than the ones we grew up with? How can we stop judging them for wanting an Ipad when we grew up without even a computer? Hmmm... 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 235. What if

   What if the wind blew and took the dandelion's life away? What if the sun didn't rise one morning to make leaves grow? ... What if that girl lied to her mother and that woman would start the biggest argument in centuries based on something not accurate and then I would be the one to blame for starting everything? What if that doesn't happen and I can lay my head at night knowing that I made a mistake AGAIN and I learned from it? 
   I can't go on like this. My head will be shred to pieces. And my psychological balance won't be balanced anymore... That's what happens when you have to work with the brain. You get to THINK TOO MUCH. 
   After hours of ruminating about something that happened today I decided to face whatever comes WHEN it happens. I have to somehow stop and turn off my tendency to go too deep into things. I have to stop living on the "what ifs" planet and travel back to a reassuring bubble where everything can be solved... sooner or later. 

"There's no problem. Only solutions."

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 234. Forget-it-not

   You know I believe in finding sense and significance in everything that happens to me. So when I saw the first forget-me-not flowers of the year the same day I watched a blind child amazingly sing a song in the "Next Star" show and deaf teens do an awesome dance in "Romania is dancing", it all made sense. 
   It made me look around more carefully and observe every little detail that changed in the nature since I last visited it. It made me want to "forget-not" my day by day experiences, my time with my family, eating grilled mushrooms for the first time or the fact that my boyfriend actually gets along with my dad. 
   Every little detail counts. And, as much as it sounds like a cliché, I felt that today I should be thankful. Thankful for having peace within my family, an amazing boyfriend who's also my best friend and health to enjoy every little speck of life that's in and around me. So I choose to "forget-not" every day that passes by me, be it one that brings tears and lessons to be learned or one that brings smiles and joy. I feel like I don't want to forget anything and that's why this blog is helping me so much. I bet it sounds all cheesy and dramatic, but for me, it's the world. Having the ability to go back in my life and see how I was and what happened to me back then, it's exactly what I'm looking for. 
   So I guess I could say one of my life-purposes is not to forget the good moments, be a better person, help the others and in the end die with a smile knowing that I lived beautifully.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 233. Forest fairy

Spring forest

   Close your eyes and feel the forest. Smell the scent of the trees and the fresh air, hear the song of the birds and the river flowing near by. Then open them and be amazed by the variety of colors covering the ground between the trees: yellow, white and purple. Easter flowers and violets. It's like nature knows when Easter is coming and it blooms with enthusiasm. 
   Today I lived all this and I remembered how good it is to go back where I belong. I'm not a city girl, but rather a forest fairy. So I enjoyed picking up flowers for my mother's anniversary tomorrow and daydreaming my life away during that walk. 
   Forest, sweet forest:)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 232. Reasons

Spring is in the air

   There are times when you think you hate... something or someone. You're so annoyed things aren't happening your way that you're getting angry and you feel that anger can change something. 
   You're blinded by it and you walk like this, being all gloomy. But right then something happens and you understand that you can't... you just can't hate. Because in front of you lays something so beautiful that brings the sun back on your face. That's just another reason to love. And there are plenty out there. 
   Why waste time trying to hate when all you need to do is open your heart to love?:) Spring is one of those reasons.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 231. Live and love

Live and love

   My experiment is getting on pretty fine. I didn't have harsh times until today because I was very busy and distracted by work. Nevertheless, I decided to stop it when the week ends (except the part referring to drinking 2l of water/day). You know I over analyse everything. So today I started to philosophically get into this issue.   
   There are people out there who didn't eat something sweet for years. How weird is it to forever forbid yourself to eat a piece of chocolate, pudding or mom's cake once in a while? Why would I do that when I love chocolate? I want to enjoy life not feel misery every time I am at the sweets department in a supermarket (like it happened today). I know that after a while the diet gets to be a way of living and you might not feel the need of unhealthy things as much as you did before, BUT life is short, so why waste it on trying to set boundaries when I can simply take the middle path, accept my needs and rather control them than suppress them? 
   So I choose to live. Live and enjoy. Call me a hedonist, but I do love chocolate. And I didn't know how much I actually did until this week happened. You know, when you lack something you realize how important it is to you. 
   No. Ending the experiment so soon doesn't mean I'm back at square one. This week I learned that I can do more than I thought I could, that I can manage my cravings either by distracting my attention or by replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy ones, that apples can be a good friend and that sweets aren't vital but they make me happy. And feeling happiness is more important to me than feeling frustration. 

   5 days down, 2 days left:) Even if I've already taken a decision, I'm keeping my promise. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 230. When you least expect

Hello Kitty in the park

   The things we enjoy the most are the ones that come when we least expect. I had planned to talk about some other topic today, but a photo that came out wrong and still special and one of a kind made me want to change my mind. All because it was unexpected. 
   Today was one of those days you feel you don't want to waste on staying indoors. So I decided to enjoy it and walked in the park with my boyfriend while, for the first time this year, I was wearing the sunglasses. One thing leads to another, the photographer in me couldn't sleep so I used my sunglasses for a photo... with my phone. I won't share the rest, but the thing is, even if I had planned to take such a photo, it wouldn't have turned out this way. 
   That's why, instead of fearing the unexpected, we should embrace it. Whenever it comes. Because in the end those are the memories we'll have forever, the ones we'll want to share with our grandchildren while smiling remembering the past. 
   Take any chance life gives you. Remember, everything happens for a reason:)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 229. Pass it on

Bee on a flower

   Today I realized that our human brain can be associated with computers. Computers that receive information and pass it on. The only difference is that, unlike them, we somehow have the ability to change details, even if the content stays the same. I guess we're drawn to wrapping the information as interesting as possible:)
   Just think about it. Every day we hear, read or see something new and we talk about it with people around us. We spread lots of information that makes us feel a strong emotion. Do we tell others uninteresting stuff we read on Facebook? No, we don't because our brain  only remembers the things we connect to, the ones that speak to us. So we transmit them forward. It's part of who we are. At the end of the day, no matter if we think about it or not, we can't standby. 

What type of information have you transmitted today? Has it made people around you smile or has it made them feel appalled and lose faith in humanity again? Think about it. Do you try to focus on the bright side of life or do you just let your brain always lead you to the negative one? What you say is what you are:)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 228. Never say never

Never say never

   A bird held in captivity will be very fearful and will not want to stay on your finger when you let it out in your room. Though, it happened to my dad. Years ago I told myself I would never wear that and now I find myself loving it and thanking the heavens I haven't thrown it away. I disliked the shower gel mom once received and now, when the bottle is almost gone I'm thinking about buying some more. 
   In the past years I met plenty of situations that told me I should "never say never" because things can change faster than you think. YOU might change. You might want something else in a few years simply because you're developing, growing to be an adult. The adult brain makes you see life differently even if you want to believe you're still a kid. You and I both know you're not the same you were years ago. So never say never, dear. Because "never" will be your best friend in a while, you'll see:)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 227. Promises

  In life there are promises we make to others and promises we make to ourselves. How many times did you promise to be determined and cut the sweets for a while, eat more veggies and exercise? How many times did you really do it? 
   Being a Psychology student I learned to understand that change isn't that easy. That first you have to flirt with the idea, then think about putting it into practice in some months and then really getting to it. Well, today I promised to myself this time I WILL do it. I'll cut the sweets. At first I was brave and said "for a month" but we all know big changes aren't made all of a sudden, so I'm taking it slow: "for a week" should be a good start. My strategy? I hid all the bars I received for my birthday. Not seeing them helps a lot! 
   Let's get this straight. I'm not doing it because I think I'm fat. It's just that lately I've let myself indulge with too much chocolate and I feel I should take a better control of things. Since everybody's talking about how bad sweets really are for our health I'm doing it as an experiment, a game of strength, to see if I can make it. If everything goes well and I do see some changes I'm willing to extend the period. 
   I even monitored drinking 2l of water today. Weeks ago I thought that would be impossible but today I told myself AGAIN: "you can do more than you think you can". And I could indeed! 
   So day 1 went by pretty ok, even though I admit I had moments when I was reaaaally tempted to postpone the beginning of the process. Yet, when I set my mind to something, I do it... so I WILL keep this promise:) 

Therefore, see you in a week;) 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 226. 10 reasons

  Today was the first time my family and I went for a picnic this year. It was very relaxing and soothing (as always). I even slept like a baby in my chair while laying in the warm sun. The funny part is that I don't remember having done that ever before. There's a first for everything, huh?
  So here's my day in 10 reasons why I love spring:

1. Chilly mornings bathed in a peach sunrise
2. Picnics with family/friends
3. Trees blooming everywhere
4. Fresh green shades (grass and leaves)
5. Easy to bear temperatures (Jeans and T-shirt FTW!)
6. Longer days
7. Butterflies
8. More sun!
9. Tulips and daffodils
10. Less clothes, more feminine! Plus, people think you lost weight!:P

What about you?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 225. Looking forward

Looking forward to

   Our life is a series of "looking forward to" moments. We always find something new to look forward to so we're in a continuous rush. But there are some days when time seems to stop and then you stop as well. That's when you realize almost half an year has passed and you remember the first of January like it was yesterday. 
   Time flies indeed. And its only marks are the memories. The memories of having lived a perfect spring day with fresh green grass, mellow sun rays, blooming trees and their scent embracing you.
   Many times we make the mistake of looking forward to something BIG, life changing and just as many times we can be disappointed because things seem to have their own trajectory and they don't always happen when we want them to. So why not look forward to small things that are more reachable? Why not immortalize those moments and relieve them in some years when looking at the photos? I don't know about you, but I'd want to remember my everyday reasons to smile not just the celebrations and birthdays and Christmases. 
   So let's rearrange our purposes and our "looking forward to" moments. At the end of it we might be thankful for having done this rather sooner than later:)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 224. Before and after

   I've never been on Cluj Arena stadium before today. I've seen it in photos, but never really went to see it up close since I'm not really a football fan. 
   It all started with an odd invitation to a surprise presentation near the stadium. I accepted by courtesy but it would have been a better idea to follow my guts and just say "no" because it was about something they called THE business: selling products, having partners and earning "a lot of money". I felt like a stranger in the middle of a cult. Oh well.
   After the awkward presentation my boyfriend and I sneaked to the stadium. As we were approaching I was hit by a "movie moment" feeling:) Remember those romantic comedies in which the main characters go to an empty stadium and everything gets very romantic and cute? I had that today:) So in in the end maybe it was worth it.
   I guess sometimes we have to go through hell to get to heaven and I'm willing to do that if heaven will always taste so sweet:) 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 223. Young and blooming

Spring bloom

    Today while watching students pass by on the street as I was riding the bus home I remembered how I used to be when I was like them and I smiled. 
   It's so interesting to see how much we evolve in just a couple of years after we graduate... even if we keep our inner child with us. In the end, I think it evolves with us, too. 
   When we're teenagers and students we think we control the world, that we can change it and bend it the way we want so that we always end up being happy. We feel so powerful and willing to do so many things and that's exactly when we should do them. Because later on, as we start working and have serious thoughts about settling down we realize it has always been the reverse. The world is controlling us and WE are the ones who have to bend in order to be accepted in the society we live in. We realize that many times our choices as teens were the wrong ones, but we can still make it if we learn to be flexible. Attending that university could be a wrong choice because you might not find a workplace in that field quickly but if you're willing to learn something else, you will succeed. Or maybe you'll want a job in that field so hard that you'll get it no matter how much you'll have to fight for it. 
   In the end I think we should always be young and blooming in our thoughts, feel able and willing to change the world. Otherwise we'd only feel like slaves who work for others not for ourselves. And maybe we can control the world. Maybe not the whole world, but a small part for sure. And that's enough if it helps us be happy:)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 222. Missing

   Today I tried to calm the waters I'm floating on and bring the sun in my boat. It rained instead. Then, someone held a helping hand and I took it. But in all this process, I was thinking about one thing: "How would it be if we wouldn't feel emotions anymore? If we could turn them down. How would life be then? Would it be better or worse? Would we get over bad situations more easily or would we transform into robots? What if it's both? How would it be?" 
   In my case believing in some abstract things helps me find a sense in everything that's happening, but sometimes those abstract things are just like that... abstract. And when I wake up and bump into the here and now reality I am frustrated, sad, hopeless and I am asking myself: "Do those abstract things matter anymore?... They do, because that's what gets me going. Hope. Pandora's little secret."

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 221. The path

   I had a bittersweet day today. I found out things that were both good and bad for me. 
   I got upset with people, myself, life. Then I took another breath and it was like I was talking to God who was telling me: "Do you trust Me, Dana?" and I said: "I do." "Then, give up on your anger and sadness and just enjoy the good things you found out today. I'm going to take care of you, don't worry." So I listened to that inner talk and I enjoyed the sunny day while laying on the bench with my eyes closed. 
   Today, more than ever, I had reasons to believe that everything happens for a reason and that there's a path written for every one of us before we were even born. When we come to this world, we walk on it without knowing that all our future decisions are already known and somehow through all the great uncertainty of this world, the big puzzle keeps being solved. And people end up being happy. If that's what they seek. I certainly seek happiness. And happiness I shall have. 

"Everything will be okay in the end.
If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 220. Basic instinct

   My mom and I are watching Game of Thrones these days. After seeing Spartacus and The Tudors I'm still amazed by the fact that aggression and sexuality seemed to have ruled the times. I guess Freud would have loved it there. But are we really different nowadays? 
   As a kindergarten psychologist, the major problem I face is kids' violence. It's understandable that at their age they can't react differently, but somehow violence seems to follow us all our life. The only difference is that later on we use it verbally rather than physically. As about the sexual content, I don't even have to try to come up with a song because nowadays all of them are more or less about that. Because that's what sells, right? Then, how can we pretend to be more evolved than those people who bore wars and beheaded men at the first sign of treachery and women who sold their bodies just because they wanted to avoid being poor? 
   It's all the same. We only pretend to be better and wrap it up nicely. Those times freaked me out, but these times freak me out even more because after all this time we're still the same. Are we ever going to change?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 219. Perfume

Perfume bouquet

  “A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting. ” 
                                                     ― Christian Dior

   I don't know about you, girls, but it is very hard for me to find perfumes that I like. I am not easily pleased with just any scent. So there are only two perfumes I've loved in my whole life.
   In the past month I've discovered one more. All three are sweet. Flowery. Citrus. Dana. Today I received my order for another one. This one is... complete. A bouquet of wild scents, the kind of perfume that makes you daydream. The kind that makes you feel like a woman. Not a lady, but a woman. Powerful, determined, self aware. 
   It's funny how scents change our spirit, isn't it? And it's interesting to observe how we're using them exactly when we want to feel that way. It's all psychological, and yet very physical. 
   Little Red Dress. My new love.

“Perfume is like cocktails without the hangover, chocolate without the calories, like a vacation from which you never have to come back.”
― Marian Bendeth

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 218. Fight

 Sometimes we face situations that require strength and determination. The ones needed when there's a cause to fight for. 
   There are times when people will try to convince us do otherwise, but that's exactly when we should take our swords and fight. Fight for our right to be happy, to live a life on our own terms, for change and liberation from prejudice and unrealistic expectations. 
   I say we should all stand up for our rights and fight. Fight for whatever we trust in until we reach our goals and prove them all we CAN be happy because we know what we want and what we're fighting for. 
   When there's a cause, there's a way:)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 217. Philos

   There are books that catch your soul. Books that make you believe they were written exactly for you. They help you find yourself but they also take a part of you when you have to return them to the library. That's when you realize you wished you owned them because you had the feeling you were the first one who ran their fingertips on their pages, catching their very essence. 
    Then you want to forget they took a part of you and you try to replace them with new ones. Some will be boring, some will be close but not there and some will take another piece of you. Because that's what good books do to you. You put a piece of yourself inside when you're reading them and they take it with them when they are returned. That's why we buy books. To keep those pieces of our soul. But what if you can't find them in any bookshops in town? You just borrow some more books and you lend some more pieces of yourself. And you do it willingly because you can't help it. 
   Today "Beautiful creatures" took a piece of my soul. It's bittersweet. When I returned it I felt like a dear friend had moved to a different city. Longing. I felt longing. To hold it in my hands again, to smile while reading it, to learn new things, to find myself in it just like looking in a mirror. "Beautiful creatures" was written for me. That's for sure. And losing a piece of myself isn't making me feel more vulnerable, it's making me feel I am not alone. There is someone out there who writes exactly for me and that feels awesome:)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 216. When the time is right

   Today was one of those days when you're easily deceived by the weather. In the morning I enjoyed the best sunrise in months only to feel raindrops on my face hours after that. Of course I didn't bear an umbrella with me. Murphy was right again.
   While I was waiting for the bus under a roof, I looked up and I saw trees blooming everywhere. Not just little leaves, but flower buds altogether. I was amazed by the fact that trees, unlike apartment plants, can grow by themselves and they just know when to do it. They might be a little late, but in the end they follow the process closely. They are little phoenix birds that remind us we have to go on and leave behind the things that drag us down and just search for happiness in every little thing. We don't even have to expect it to happen. It's enough if we look around. That's when we realize it's already happening:) 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 215. Spring is in the air

   I don't know about you, but I have a thing for flowers. I love to see them on a field, to smell their scent and buy some for my room, to receive them for special occasions and  take photos of them. 
   Flowers are my thing. I'm not a "red roses" kind of woman but rather a "wildflowers" one. That's why I couldn't help myself not smiling when I saw that these yellow cuties today:) 
   For me spring is all about flowers and that's one of the reasons why I looked forward for winter to go home:) Now I can really enjoy my favorite season:) Let Easter come:)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 214. A fairytale birthday

   Today I went to my best friend's place to celebrate my birthday with her:) 
   I didn't get why she was so enthusiastic when telling me how we were going to spend the day. But when I got there... it all made sense:) She had prepared an awesooooome birthday cake for me that I knew nothing about! After 10 years of friendship, I couldn't read her. So I guess she's THAT good:)
   You know how kids react when their mom brings out their birthday cake?:) I felt kinda like that, especially because this year I didn't have a cake at all and I didn't expect to receive one either. It's interesting how our inner child wakes up from time to time and helps us enjoy everything more intensely:)
   In the end, I felt like living in a fairytale because there princesses celebrate their birthday for 3 days in a row. Today it was the second day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?:)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 213. Quarter of a century

   I am Dana and I am now 25. I was always a good child. Obeying my parents, following the rules, not the one risking or making compromises. 
   I studied hard to be the best in my class and I succeeded. I went to Olympics in Romanian language, Geography, Religion and Latin, always studying in order to be able to change from a fragile caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. 
   I was a good teenager too. I was interested in my relationship with God. I liked to read and write literature. I was often daydreaming about that perfect love I'd find one day. I didn't like clubs and rude people. Instead, I loved spending time with my family by having walks in the nature. 
   I thought I was ugly because I was the only one in my class not having a boyfriend when I was in the 8th grade. I changed my mind afterwards. 
   I made a lot of friends. Some stayed, many left. I loved meeting new people online but I didn't have a computer until 6th grade and internet access began only while I was in the 8th grade. I had my first cell phone when I was in the 10th grade and life was still awesome. 
   During high school I met my best friend and we're inseparable ever since even though we took different roads. 
    I used to fall in love easily, always hoping that the one I found would be the one to save me, but none of them weren't. I found love and I lost it. I suffered for years. And then I moved on. I am now living a 4 year long love story that will hopefully lead to something strong and beautiful. 
   I graduated the faculty I wanted even though my father would have loved me to be a chemist. I was really, really uncertain about my future, but somehow I found my way back on track and now I have my dream job. It's been 7 months since I started. I love to help people around me and take photos.
   I had dreams and I accomplished them. I have a camera, I went abroad, I saw the seaside twice in the past 2 years. 
  Now I want to be a good mom and a good wife. I want to have my own family, a dog and a house of my own. I want to leave something behind. Something more than just a child. I still have to figure out how. 
   I am Dana and I am 25. I am the happiest I've ever been:) It's been an awfully long way up here but it was all worth it. To many more years of happiness!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 212. Cut from the same cloth

cut from the same cloth

   We all have a buddy we share everything with, someone who helps us solve problems, plan birthdays, write the dissertation paper, someone who seems to be cut from the same cloth as we are. 
   At some point he/she makes us realize that 2 is always better than 1 and that no matter how tough life might be, that person will always be by our side and understand what we're we're going through because we're the same. He/she will always answer the phone even though we already called 10 times that day. He/she will try and succeed to calm us down and lift us up when we fall. And at some point it will be our turn to do all these and we will do them gladly. 
   When that someone is your boyfriend you know you've found the right partner to play the game of life. Different settings every time, but nevertheless, a game:)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 211. Blood, sweat and tears

   Some people have it in them. They feel the urge and they can't resist it. They take the opportunity thinking that they'll help others this way. But in the end, it's all going to be just blood, sweat and tears until they learn their decision wasn't the best one. But what can you do when you feel the need to be a leader? It's in you. You can fight it, but you can't deny it. And you'll shortly notice you can't standby. 
   Today I found out what being a leader really involves. Leading a whole kindergarten brings up a lot of responsibilities, being blamed any time something goes wrong and being pulled and pushed in every direction possible just because you're in charge. It takes a lot of stress, weight loss and irrational thinking because you care. Because you want to make the world a better place and rule fairly. You only want them to be happy and all they feel is envy. Why be a leader then? Why take all the blame for people who don't know how to solve their own problems? Why try to make the world a better place when other people only try to make it work for themselves in order to have a comfy life? 
   The negative outcomes certainly surpass the positive ones, but you go to sleep at night telling yourself that you don't want to let a tyrant destroy everything you built. So you sacrifice yourself and take it all with the thought that there are innocent people who will suffer more if you give up. Therefore, you accept the role and move on hoping. Hoping that one day you will succeed in making the world a better place:)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 210. In their shoes

In their shoes

  I sometimes have a problem with putting myself in other people's shoes. For example, it happens when someone around me does something that's really not the way I would do it. Then I start thinking. "Why would he/she want to do that?" And that's where the crazy wave begins. 
   I had a weird day. Add up a long work day, gloomy weather and the fact that a beggar asked me for money and there you have it. Beggars always break me. Because I know I'm supposed to help them, but I can't go over the fact that the majority of them use the money in mob organizations that are meant to fool us all. But then again it's the Lent period and we should help more than in the rest of the year. "What would Jesus do?" I always ask myself. Would He give to everyone who asks or would he distinguish the fake from the real needy ones? 
   I just wish I could put myself in other people's shoes more often before judging. But also, judging a situation makes you take a rational decision which is only psychologically natural. So? Do we give money to all the beggars or is it something in between and we only choose the ones who really look needy? And what about our friends who do things differently than us? Friends are supposed to accept each other, but being so close makes you judge more. Weeeird circle, ain't it?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 209. Yes, I can!

Yes, I can

   Once upon a time there was a boy called Ionuț. He loved climbing rees and walking in the forest. His best friend was a big, black dog called Azorel. One day... 
   We're evaluating kids this week. The ones that are some months below the appropriate age for going to school. So we want to see if they're ready or not. The story above is one of the tests. They have to listen to it carefully and then say what they remember of it. And in the second part of the evaluation they have to copy a lot of geometric figures. You should see their drawings!:) It's really interesting to observe them while they are at it. It makes me feel like a little scientist and I'm loving it:) 
   The good part is that most of the kids I evaluated have good skills, but the other ones have big self esteem issues. And it's a pity because it's going to be like carrying a heavy backpack around for the rest of their lives... just because they wanted to be perfect and not let their parents down. 
   The worst part is that we're like them, too. We don't trust ourselves the way we should. We always look around for appreciation and if we don'g get it, we lose any shred of confidence. There goes "I can". 
   A kid started to cry today because he made a little mistake. The rest of the drawings were perfect, but that one thing made him lose it. How often are we like him? How often do we look around for appreciation when it's ourselves we should look at first? I think we should all accept ourselves and trust that we CAN do it, whatever it is that life prepared for us:) 

Remember: you can do a lot more than you think you can:) 

So let's start from there:) 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 208. Running against time


   Do you know that kind of days when you have SO MANY things to do that you have to split yourself to be able to do them all? Today was one of them.
   I'm a curious case. On one hand I like having a full schedule because that involves helping people and not having time to get bored, but on the other hand I don't like to be controlled, to know that I have to get there and do this or that. Some days I just love my free time... Today I loved being a busy bee, but at some point I really wished I had Hermione's Time Turner. That way I wouldn't get all confused at the end of the day and double analyse everything that happened:)
    Don't we all try to run against time? And doesn't it often outrun us and leave us behind? What do you do then? Scream and shout? Cry or break down? Or do you stand firm and use your synapses to their maximum? 
   I ran against time today and I beat it:) The victory doesn't involve fame or money but the satisfaction of knowing that everything was taken care of, that people are happy around me and that I'm good psychologist. I don't know about you, but that's what I want to reach and that's why outrunning time feels so sweet:)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 207. Magic is real!

A magician and kindergarten kids

   Today I was a mesmerized child myself:) I've seen a magician perform tricks for the first time in my life and boy what an experience that was!:) 
   I can certainly say that reality is more mind blowing than TV Shows! Even though there were just some classic tricks when I was there I felt time stopped and it was just me and the magician. Me staring in awe and him continuing to amaze me.
   The thing is you find no explanation to how different sized objects just appear under glasses or boxes. And that's exactly the beauty of it. The beauty of believing in magic, believing that there's more than science out there... And when you lose all that you stop being a child. 

   But why would I ever want to grow up? :)