Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 211. Blood, sweat and tears

   Some people have it in them. They feel the urge and they can't resist it. They take the opportunity thinking that they'll help others this way. But in the end, it's all going to be just blood, sweat and tears until they learn their decision wasn't the best one. But what can you do when you feel the need to be a leader? It's in you. You can fight it, but you can't deny it. And you'll shortly notice you can't standby. 
   Today I found out what being a leader really involves. Leading a whole kindergarten brings up a lot of responsibilities, being blamed any time something goes wrong and being pulled and pushed in every direction possible just because you're in charge. It takes a lot of stress, weight loss and irrational thinking because you care. Because you want to make the world a better place and rule fairly. You only want them to be happy and all they feel is envy. Why be a leader then? Why take all the blame for people who don't know how to solve their own problems? Why try to make the world a better place when other people only try to make it work for themselves in order to have a comfy life? 
   The negative outcomes certainly surpass the positive ones, but you go to sleep at night telling yourself that you don't want to let a tyrant destroy everything you built. So you sacrifice yourself and take it all with the thought that there are innocent people who will suffer more if you give up. Therefore, you accept the role and move on hoping. Hoping that one day you will succeed in making the world a better place:)

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