Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 362. Guilty pleasures

The mask

  We all had our guilty pleasures and we keep having them no matter how much we try to avoid it. We just can't help it. Be it a mainstream song with crappy lyrics and a catchy rhythm, a cheesy movie with good looking actors or a teenagerish book with nothing profound and life changing in its content. We think they're the opposite of everyday us and yet, they somehow make place into our life and we wake up liking them. Even though we'd never go for those if we had to pick.
   The interesting part is that if we're asked what we think about them, we strongly deny liking them. Maybe we do it because we want to keep the image we built over time, or maybe because these are rear events that happen here and there and don't really define us as a person. But why do we feel guilty every time we like something like that? Why all that dreadful feeling that only brings in bad energy? 
   I once saw a video of a man saying that we shouldn't accept such a term as "guilty pleasures" in our life. Because in the end, believe it or not, that's exactly who we are. And those tiny pieces are hidden deep inside us. Sure, we're not proud of them, but acceptance is the beginning of happiness. Nobody says that you have to put a status on Facebook with something like "Hey dudes, I'm a Metalist but I love Twilight." Nobody says you have to tell anybody about it. Maybe you wanna share it with your buddies and make fun of it, or maybe you wanna keep it for yourself but whatever you choose to do, learn to never feel guilty about liking something! Because deep there you know that thingie makes you feel good. Then why associate feeling good with guilt?:) Wouldn't it be easier to just accept it as part of your life and move on amused?:) Life's awesome. Keep it that way!

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