Dear diary,
I've been thinking about a new concept that came to my mind for a while now. I find it interesting how the important people in our life unlock different doors inside us. It's like we're all wonderful castles that carry their stories of the past with them... some happy, some sad, but all as important to the beauty and the mystery of the castle.
As castles, we all gather bits and pieces of information that has been given to us and we keep it in different rooms along the time. And when the right person approaches the castle, it enters it and it finds a new key that leads to a new room. A room with wonders and unexpected beauty. With secret books they never knew existed but which apparently were always there.
As castles, we all gather bits and pieces of information that has been given to us and we keep it in different rooms along the time. And when the right person approaches the castle, it enters it and it finds a new key that leads to a new room. A room with wonders and unexpected beauty. With secret books they never knew existed but which apparently were always there.
New people open new rooms of the beautiful castle and in the end the whole building will be open to visit for it has reached the age of wisdom when it can give forward what it has received over so many years.
How wonderful can it be to know that at an unexpected moment, an unexpected visitor will open up a new room in your beautiful castle, a room that will be a wonder for both the visitor and for the castle itself!:)
In wonder,