Wednesday, June 22, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 61. People are books

   They say “never judge a book by its cover”. Heeding that advice, we take the time to open it, read it, spend time in it, with its characters and its story, and more often than not, we are pleasantly surprised. However, a lot of times, we forget to apply the same rule to people. We judge them according to how they look, especially when we have no idea who they are. Why do we let ourselves label strangers without taking the time to know them, to listen to their stories and adventures?
   People are like books. A tattered old book can show you a world of wonders. So can a man in poor clothes, with tired eyes and downcast expression. All we need is to open the book and read. All we need is to open our hearts and listen to the human soul.
   We are all books - some open, some shut, but we all have a story written on our pages. Some stories are longer than others. Some are psychological monologues, others are children books or adventure books, and yet some others are dramatic, full of pain, sorrow and a sad ending. 
   What's your book about? Is it a happy book or a sad book? You're the author and you can write your own destiny. The past can't be unwritten but the future holds a million posibilities.

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