Sunday, June 19, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 58. Flowers just bloom

   We compare ourselves to the others every single day. And not for the better. We don't learn from them. Not all the time. Rather we see what they have and we don't, be it looks, wealth, power, social position and so on. We want what they have and we start longing for a better life, a happier existence, an improved version of ourselves that we will never become. 

   Flowers don't care that they are merely daisies when colorful, fragrant, imposing roses live next door. Or that most people buy tulips. Or that peonies and poppies are all over the internet when they bloom because their life is so short and condensed it has to be remembered. Nope. Daisies just bloom, doing what they know best. Shouldn't we do the same?
   We're not perfect. We don't have the perfect, flawless personality, the perfect life and the perfect career. What if we start accepting ourselves and our life just the way it is right now and enjoy what we have? 
   You want more? Work hard until you get it but when you reach your goal stop and ask yourself "Is this really making me happy or is it an illusion so that I would look good in other people's eyes?" 
   We're not perfect so let's stop worrying and start blooming :) 

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