Friday, March 11, 2016

365 project 2: Day 5. Take a peek

   Today wasn't an easy day at work. I spent some time in a class that seen from the outside might seem like your average, Romanian kindergarten class. Until hell unleashed. Some kids were crying, others were fighting and others were running everywhere... all in the same time. I have no idea how the teacher could handle this class until today. She seemed defeated too. 
   I won't complain about the system again. We all know it's faulty. For me it wasn't as hard as it was for her, because I only visit her class once a week. I know her problematic kids, but the complicated thing is that they're all put together in the same class with only one teacher to oversee them, a teacher that will slowly go mad if something doesn't change... and how could it change if the parents see the teacher for 2 minutes a day; one minute... when she's smiling in the morning while greeting the kids and the other one at noon when she waves them goodbye. 
   Parents expect us to raise their kids while they have no idea what's going on at school because they don't ask questions other than "did he eat?". Is that the most important thing in a child's life?
   Why do people have kids if they don't WANT kids? Why does society pressure us into getting married and having a child if we're not going to be THERE for him and teach him how to fly? Why do we expect the teachers to do our job? ... I might change my view in some years when I'll have my own kids, but showing interest and asking the teachers details about how you can help your kid be better every day can make everybody's life so much easier... 
   If the parents would take a peek, just a little one, inside the everyday life of that teacher, I bet they would change their behavior. I hope that one day they will. Then they will realize she deserves so much more than a flower on the 8th of March.

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