Tuesday, May 31, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 39. Murphy

   In an age of speed and a life significantly simplified by science and evolution, we all find ourselves looking back to remnants of the past, universal truths or adages of old, in hopes they might help us explain the inexplicable, or sometimes, deal with the hand we’re dealt. 
   One such popular epigram is known to the world as Murphy’s Law. Generally stated as “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong”, people cling to it in hopes of avoiding thinking about the causes and circumstances of whatever has gone wrong. However, I believe that instead of making it our scapegoat, we ought to learn from it. We ought to learn that thoughts influence actions and outcomes, that just because something’s out of our control and goes wrong, does not mean we have to think, in any circumstance, that things will likely take the same turn. 
   Murphy would definitely not be my friend. He's like that typical grumpy, old neighbour who never loved life, always hated everybody and went through a lot of bad stuff in his adult years that now, when he is retired, he feels entitled to have a certified opinion about life and to give advice accordingly. 
   Sure, life is very frustrating sometimes and it feels like it's throwing fireballs at you that you have to be very skilled in avoiding, but this guy, Murphy, seems like he's shouting angrily "look, a giant, horrible fireball is coming towards me and I hate it" while he's standing in the way of the fireball exactly where he stood 10 seconds ago instead of looking for a viable solution to avoid being hit by the said fireball. Does it help to think like Murphy? Does it help us in any way to rant about the fireballs life throws at you? Why not just take it as it comes and avoid them the best you can, thinking of a solution instead of moping about how difficult that situation is? In the end, that's why we're all given a brain, right?
   Murphy’s Law spares us the task of analyzing ourselves. But without self-analysis, how can we evolve? How can we move on, if we cling to truisms of a time where we still lived in the dark? How can we get to “everything will go well”, if we’re always sticking to “what can go wrong, will go wrong”?

Monday, May 30, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 38. Rain on me

   Some people are afraid of rain. Not phobia - afraid, but they just don't want to go out when it rains and they dread having to walk in the rain. I used to be like them until I understood that rain is... just water :)
   We are afraid a lot. Of the smallest things. I really think that sometimes we're like elephants - afraid of mice. Do those fears help in any way? They used to protect us against predators back in the day but today they're useless. 
   Let's enjoy rain more! Let's dance in the rain more, walk in the rain and sing in the rain! So much potential, let's make rain our friend! :)

Sunday, May 29, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 37. Decisions, decisions

   Life is formed of a series of decisions. Along the years, people will try to influence you one way or another. And at some points it will be so much easier to just ask others to choose for you when you have no idea what to pick. But will you be able to live with THEIR decision? What if you hate the outcome? What if it's disappointing? What if it doesn't make you happy no matter how hard you try? 
   You have to make decisions every day. So take them yourself. You always have the answer inside. Just that sometimes you have to dig deeper to find it. 
   I love making decisions that are food related. And adding new ingredients to a dish that I found online. Sometimes I have a feeling the outcome won't be as pleasing as it looks like, but other times I am pleasantly surprised. Today was one of those days. This stuffed pasta with chicken, broccoli and Alfredo sauce (plus garlic and leek - own version) is SO delicious I have to say I am proud of the result. 
   It's good that we have to make decisions every day. It means we have options. And options are amazing no matter how hard taking a decision feels like :) Do you feel the same?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 36. Determination

     If plants can do it, we can do it too. No matter what we're wishing, the sky is the limit! 
   Have you wished something really bad and waited for years and years to get it? In the end your wish came true, right? Some wishes take more time than others, but until now everything I wanted to achieve came true. I started travelling abroad, I have seen the Black Sea, I have my own camera, I have my own home, I met the love of my life and got married to him, I found my dream job... everything minus having a dog. But I'll get there too someday :)
   What are your biggest wishes and what's stopping you from having them granted? Money? Time? Something else? Find a loop. Be creative! If plants can do it, you can do it too! :)

Friday, May 27, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 35. While it lasts

    We only have one life... that we know of. And time is ticking. 
   When we're born we all receive an hourglass: brand new, with a loooot of sand in the upper part, but then the sand starts slowly flowing down. Years pass, we explore, we learn, we make mistakes, we learn some more, we start working and then life stops. 
   Before having a job, 24 hours a day seemed reasonable, but afterwards time felt like slipping through my hands. I don't know how it is for you, but for the past 4 years I always felt like I needed more hours in a day. It's so easy to start stressing about not having enough time to finish what you planned for but then...
   We only have one life... that we know of. And time is ticking! Use it wisely... while it lasts! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 34. Thank you

   There are times when you can't do everything alone no matter how much you want to do it all by yourself. Sometimes the project is way bigger than you anticipated and if you've also never done this before, you can be sure you'll need someone with experience... or at least people who are willing to help just because two, three or four heads think better than one :)
   I keep thinking back at the wedding every day and I always find something new to be thankful for. Today I am thankful for my bridesmaids who were always by my side, making sure everything was under control and I wasn't stressed. And thus I was the most relaxed bride ever. I could just dance and have fun and I owe it all to them. Man, bridesmaids are a huge blessing!
   These days we're rushing all around town to register our first car that we bought just last weekend. It's all so new and different to me since I've never done this before. Oli is not Romanian so he has no idea how this process should be solved either, therefore we need my dad, brother and even mom for the rescue. Today mom, Oli and I went to an inspection with the car and I am so thankful we were able to go there together and support each other through every new stage. Thankfully, it all ended well.
   Life just wouldn't be the same without help when we need it. And the most beautiful times are the ones when help comes when you don't expect it. That's when you know who truly cares about you. 
  Thank you, bridesmaids and family for making my life so much easier and keeping me happy! You're the best!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

365 days project 2. Day 33. People and apples

   I could start with "This was my big, fat, Romanian-Canadian wedding" but instead I choose to start like this:
   People are so colourful and they have so many shapes... still same needs, same habits, same lifestyles. I love watching people. Especially when I am waiting for a bus or when I am sitting on a terrace in a new town.
   I think people are like apples: some are unripe, others are ripe and others are rotten. But it is up to us to take the rotten apples out of our basket and surround ourselves with the best  apples. So choose to surround yourself with awesome people, happy people, people who make you want to grow and then you will have a long, happy and healthy life! Sure, there will be some of "those days" when everything will seem off and you will think you hate people and you would want to move to Mars so you could be all by yourself. Accept those days will happen and just let them pass by and look on the bright side of your life. It might sound very difficult but remember: it is up to you to take the rotten apples out of your basket. This doesn't mean you have to be rude or judge them. Just let them be and avoid them as much as you can. 
   Our wedding was the most amazing wedding I could ever imagine for myself! And it happened like this because of the amazing apples we had in our basket... all the best people in our life, everyone who came from hundreds or thousands of kilometers away because they WANTED to be there. And this is what made it so special. Not only did we choose them but they also chose us. And it was perfect.
   The last month before the wedding was hectic but also very successful. The whole process we had to go through to get married brought a lot of tears to my eyes over the past months but the fact we succeeded to register to get married was also the reason why I was so utterly happy and relaxed on the wedding day. Yes, you have to Work Hard to get married and to have a dreamy wedding but it is all worth it when you see your dream accomplished and people having the time of their lives at the wedding. I had high expectations of myself. People had high expectations of me and of this wedding and I felt that it lived up to all the expectations. I didn't do it all alone. I had the best helpers I could ask for. All the right apples. And this is how you turn your dream to reality :)
   I told you. I love people watching. And I choose to see the ripe apples, the beautiful ones. The rest don't matter to me. Do you want to do the same?