Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 323. Different yet so alike

   People are funny when it comes to studying for an exam. Nobody likes to study but we all find something to make us do it after all.
   Some start early because they want to make sure they make it to the deadline and they're very organized when it comes to setting goals and achieving them. They're the ones who, somehow, find something to like in everything they study and so they're usually the bullied ones. The ones who spend their days studying their heads off and end up saying "why am I the only one studying?" However, after the exam, we all know they take the highest grades. And believe me, sometimes grades do make a difference in our life.
   Others start at some random point when they feel it's the right time or maybe when they are reminded they have an upcoming exam. They're not really driven to study, but they do it anyway because afterwards they'll get some sort of reward. These are the majority of the people. If they were in the right spot (school, university, work place of their choice) they'd like what they would be doing so they'd study early. Nevertheless, it's a good thing they find something to keep them going.
   The last category starts studying a couple of days before the actual exam when they realize they can't procrastinate anymore. They say they don't want to forget what they just studied but we all know that's a lie. They are the ones who start studying only because they know they have to. They hate it and so they try to cram it up and hope to God they'll be given one of the two subjects they took a glimpse at. Sometimes they're lucky, other times they're not.
   The thing is that right before the exam we all magically remember we don't like studying and therefore only two options will be available for everybody: we either feel like we don't know anything or we don't care anymore and we just want it to be over so we could start enjoying our life again.
   I know, I shouldn't complain since I love what I'm doing and I sometimes enjoy what I'm reading for the exam, but you know, we all get there. To the point where we say "No more!" And that's when people who have studied for 2 months take a break and do whatever they want because they can afford it and then they face the exam knowing they'll handle it no matter what. I know. It's gonna be ok. So tomorrow I'm taking a break:) 

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