Friday, April 14, 2017

The lessons of a 29 year old

   Happy birthday to meeee!:D Another year has passed and I want to continue the habit I've developed 2 years ago on my birthday: writing new lessons that I learned during the last year or old ones that I have to keep working on :) So here it goes:

1. Being married is so awesome! Actually it's just as awesome as before but "forever" sounds amazing! :)

2. You don't feel old when you're 29. Not at all. When I was a teen I used to think a 29 year old is... well... kind of midlife old. Naaah, we're just getting started! So many plans and awesome stuff to happen from now on! 

3. Not even 5 years of experience of work in the same place won't make you an expert. You have something new to learn every day and you realize you're still at the beginning. A teacher once told us in university that only after 10 years of work in the field you can be considered an expert. And not even then I'd say. 

4. Not everybody will like you no matter how much you try to make them like you. Just accept it and move on. I'm still struggling with accepting it.

5. Life is so much better now than... hmm... 5 years ago, for example. You're married, you have the money to travel and no kid obligations yet. Peak of the existence right there. 

6. Even though you want to be wiser every day, your personality and your reactions might be in the way of that. So you have to try to actively control your emotions and your reactions.

7. Have kids when you are ready not when society tells you to. I'm seriously starting to think about children and I'm preparing for them (bought awesome books, a photo album and some decorations) and it's awesome that i can prepare at my own pace without taking in the pressure of society. And that I have a husband who fully supports me.

8. You find a new hobby every year. It's never too late to start something new. I started gardening after coming home from the honeymoon. Never in a million years did I think that I will ever garden. So you can still surprise yourself even when you think you know yourself well.

9. You can still be a unicorn if you want to! No age is too old for being who you want to be and beaming with happiness :)

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