Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Weekly inspirations Week 2: The best days

   When I saw this quote today, after everything I've lived in the past couple of months, I just I had to share it with you. 
   Look, I know life's complicated and complex and it's tough to get out of some crazy life situations that we find ourselves in, but most times we control our own life. Even if we can't change the circumstances, we can still control our reaction and interpretation of everything that is happening to us. Oh, I know you might say I'm channeling my inner psychologist too much, but it's true! Every little word. And guess what? Exactly in those times when you're worried about your future, when you have to step out of your comfort zone and you have no idea where life will take you, that's when you need to stay positive and tell yourself "The best is yet to come"! 
   So many things have changed in my life lately and I am experiencing so many new things that scared me at first but which I now LOVE that I just couldn't be happier. Sure, change might be tough, but don't let it bring you down! You're stronger than you think you are, my dear! So much stronger! :) And remember, the BEST is yet to come!

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