Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 335. Finding the key

   I've been playing some lateral thinking game today with a good friend and it made me realize we're all brought up to think inside the box. Add up numbers, look to the left and to the right instead of looking up, pay attention to the general message instead of paying attention to every little detail of it, and so on. 
   We're brought up to generate the exact information we're given instead of being set free and promoting our creativity and critical thinking. After studying for the exam this year I know exactly how important those two are and how much they can change the whole educational process and the students' minds if promoted in schools. 
   Why do you think we can't answer the lateral thinking questions?:) It's not because we don't have it in us. It's simply because it's unlocked. It's just like an amazing garden full of colorful flowers that stays up hidden behind a huge lock with no key to be found around. And we're the knights in shining armor who have to go through the journey of their life to find that one key that solves every problem, that key that leads us to the garden of Eden. And unfortunately, many of us search for it their whole life but still find nothing. Because we're looking for the prototypical type of key. And I bet that's exactly NOT how the key looks like:) 
   So why not help those knights while they're still young and teach them how they can get to unlock that amazing garden before it's too late? Why not help them believe in themselves and use every little shred of idea that comes into their mind for a useful purpose? Why set them boundaries that only lead to routine, unhappiness and lack of self esteem? 
   Being a teacher means you can teach a content in whichever way you like. So teachers out there, let's promote creativity and critical thinking! The kids will thank us later:)

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