Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 193. In Dependent


   It's funny... Lately I didn't feel safe over there. You know... sometimes it just feels like pure work and not passion anymore because  I found out people around me wear masks and after a time they're bored of doing that and they reveal their true nature. They gossip and talk about all sorts of things against one another. And they're craving for some details they could use against you later on. They don't stand united since they don't seem to have a common purpose. Just their own advantage. They don't forgive. They just gossip some more until everybody knows everything and they need a fresh story... No, they're not all like that, but today I left the pink sunglasses on my desk and I wandered around without them. So I faced the aftermath. 
   Nevertheless, I bitterly reached my purpose. I wanted not to be attached to that place, the kids or the people, my office or the hallways and today I reached just that. I realized I could be happy anywhere, not just there. 
   In the end, it's just like meeting a new person: at first you're fascinated by the appearance but if you're patient enough to stick around for a while, you'll find out things you didn't want to know about that person. You'll find out it's more than you can take and you'll want to move on. 
   Would you be satisfied with the first person that came across your way? And would you be so bold and naive to marry that person? I wouldn't. I admit I was naive and childish, but I woke up. This is the reality we're living in every single day. This is what working with people means. Being surrounded by envy, hatred and bad vibes covered by pleasant smiles and words. Sometimes... I just wish I'd work in an office by myself. In front of the computer. Just the computer and I. But then I wake up and see the glass half full and take it all from the beginning. Isn't life thrilling?:)

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